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This tutorial shows how to:
Ensure torch
and torchvision
are installed. If pytorch3d
is not installed, install it using the following cell:
import os
import sys
import torch
import pytorch3d
except ModuleNotFoundError:
if need_pytorch3d:
if torch.__version__.startswith("2.2.") and sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
# We try to install PyTorch3D via a released wheel.
pyt_version_str=torch.__version__.split("+")[0].replace(".", "")
!pip install fvcore iopath
!pip install --no-index --no-cache-dir pytorch3d -f https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/pytorch3d/packaging/wheels/{version_str}/download.html
# We try to install PyTorch3D from source.
!pip install 'git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytorch3d.git@stable'
import os
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Util function for loading point clouds|
import numpy as np
# Data structures and functions for rendering
from pytorch3d.structures import Pointclouds
from pytorch3d.vis.plotly_vis import AxisArgs, plot_batch_individually, plot_scene
from pytorch3d.renderer import (
Load and create a Point Cloud object.
Pointclouds is a unique datastructure provided in PyTorch3D for working with batches of point clouds of different sizes.
If running this notebook using Google Colab, run the following cell to fetch the pointcloud data and save it at the path data/PittsburghBridge
If running locally, the data is already available at the correct path.
!mkdir -p data/PittsburghBridge
!wget -P data/PittsburghBridge https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/pytorch3d/data/PittsburghBridge/pointcloud.npz
# Setup
if torch.cuda.is_available():
device = torch.device("cuda:0")
device = torch.device("cpu")
# Set paths
DATA_DIR = "./data"
obj_filename = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, "PittsburghBridge/pointcloud.npz")
# Load point cloud
pointcloud = np.load(obj_filename)
verts = torch.Tensor(pointcloud['verts']).to(device)
rgb = torch.Tensor(pointcloud['rgb']).to(device)
point_cloud = Pointclouds(points=[verts], features=[rgb])
A renderer in PyTorch3D is composed of a rasterizer and a shader which each have a number of subcomponents such as a camera (orthographic/perspective). Here we initialize some of these components and use default values for the rest.
In this example we will first create a renderer which uses an orthographic camera, and applies alpha compositing. Then we learn how to vary different components using the modular API.
[1] SynSin: End to end View Synthesis from a Single Image. Olivia Wiles, Georgia Gkioxari, Richard Szeliski, Justin Johnson. CVPR 2020.
# Initialize a camera.
R, T = look_at_view_transform(20, 10, 0)
cameras = FoVOrthographicCameras(device=device, R=R, T=T, znear=0.01)
# Define the settings for rasterization and shading. Here we set the output image to be of size
# 512x512. As we are rendering images for visualization purposes only we will set faces_per_pixel=1
# and blur_radius=0.0. Refer to raster_points.py for explanations of these parameters.
raster_settings = PointsRasterizationSettings(
radius = 0.003,
points_per_pixel = 10
# Create a points renderer by compositing points using an alpha compositor (nearer points
# are weighted more heavily). See [1] for an explanation.
rasterizer = PointsRasterizer(cameras=cameras, raster_settings=raster_settings)
renderer = PointsRenderer(
images = renderer(point_cloud)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.imshow(images[0, ..., :3].cpu().numpy())
We will now modify the renderer to use alpha compositing with a set background color.
renderer = PointsRenderer(
# Pass in background_color to the alpha compositor, setting the background color
# to the 3 item tuple, representing rgb on a scale of 0 -> 1, in this case blue
compositor=AlphaCompositor(background_color=(0, 0, 1))
images = renderer(point_cloud)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.imshow(images[0, ..., :3].cpu().numpy())
In this example we will first create a renderer which uses an orthographic camera, and applies weighted compositing.
# Initialize a camera.
R, T = look_at_view_transform(20, 10, 0)
cameras = FoVOrthographicCameras(device=device, R=R, T=T, znear=0.01)
# Define the settings for rasterization and shading. Here we set the output image to be of size
# 512x512. As we are rendering images for visualization purposes only we will set faces_per_pixel=1
# and blur_radius=0.0. Refer to rasterize_points.py for explanations of these parameters.
raster_settings = PointsRasterizationSettings(
radius = 0.003,
points_per_pixel = 10
# Create a points renderer by compositing points using an weighted compositor (3D points are
# weighted according to their distance to a pixel and accumulated using a weighted sum)
renderer = PointsRenderer(
rasterizer=PointsRasterizer(cameras=cameras, raster_settings=raster_settings),
images = renderer(point_cloud)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.imshow(images[0, ..., :3].cpu().numpy())
We will now modify the renderer to use weighted compositing with a set background color.
renderer = PointsRenderer(
rasterizer=PointsRasterizer(cameras=cameras, raster_settings=raster_settings),
# Pass in background_color to the norm weighted compositor, setting the background color
# to the 3 item tuple, representing rgb on a scale of 0 -> 1, in this case red
images = renderer(point_cloud)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.imshow(images[0, ..., :3].cpu().numpy())
Switching to the pulsar backend is easy! The pulsar backend has a compositor built-in, so the compositor
argument is not required when creating it (a warning will be displayed if you provide it nevertheless). It pre-allocates memory on the rendering device, that's why it needs the n_channels
at construction time.
All parameters for the renderer forward function are batch-wise except the background color (in this example, gamma
) and you have to provide as many values as you have examples in your batch. The background color is optional and by default set to all zeros. You can find a detailed explanation of how gamma influences the rendering function here in the paper Fast Differentiable Raycasting for Neural Rendering using
Sphere-based Representations.
You can also use the native
backend for the pulsar backend which already provides access to point opacity. The native backend can be imported from pytorch3d.renderer.points.pulsar
; you can find examples for this in the folder docs/examples
renderer = PulsarPointsRenderer(
rasterizer=PointsRasterizer(cameras=cameras, raster_settings=raster_settings),
images = renderer(point_cloud, gamma=(1e-4,),
bg_col=torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0], dtype=torch.float32, device=device))
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.imshow(images[0, ..., :3].cpu().numpy())
Here we use the PyTorch3D function plot_scene
to render the pointcloud in a Plotly figure. plot_scene
returns a plotly figure with trace and subplots defined by the input.
"Pointcloud": {
"person": point_cloud
We will now render a batch of pointclouds. The first pointcloud is the same as above, and the second is all-black and offset by 2 in all dimensions so we can see them on the same plot.
point_cloud_batch = Pointclouds(points=[verts, verts + 2], features=[rgb, torch.zeros_like(rgb)])
# render both in the same plot in different traces
fig = plot_scene({
"Pointcloud": {
"person": point_cloud_batch[0],
"person2": point_cloud_batch[1]
# render both in the same plot in one trace
fig = plot_scene({
"Pointcloud": {
"2 people": point_cloud_batch
For batches, we can also use plot_batch_individually
to avoid constructing the scene dictionary ourselves.
# render both in 1 row in different subplots
fig2 = plot_batch_individually(point_cloud_batch, ncols=2)
# modify the plotly figure height and width
fig2.update_layout(height=500, width=500)
We can also modify the axis arguments and axis backgrounds for either function, and title our plots in plot_batch_individually
fig3 = plot_batch_individually(
xaxis={"backgroundcolor":"rgb(200, 200, 230)"},
yaxis={"backgroundcolor":"rgb(230, 200, 200)"},
zaxis={"backgroundcolor":"rgb(200, 230, 200)"},
subplot_titles=["Pointcloud1", "Pointcloud2"], # this should have a title for each subplot, titles can be ""